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Parkhead Hub Update – June 2024

Published: | Health and Care Centres

A new exhibition at the Parkhead Forge shopping centre showcases Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) new Parkhead Hub Health and Care Centre and its creative engagement activity with local people.

LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing services poster launched


As part of June’s Pride Month celebrations, we launched our new LGBTQ+ Health and Wellbeing Services information poster.

SPHERE – help for people with bladder and bowel issues

Staff from Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) SPHERE (Supporting Pelvic Health though Empowerment, Rehabilitation and Education) Bladder and Bowel Service were out and about at health centres across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC), as part of this year’s World Continence Week, 17 to 21 June.

Listening to patients – What Matters to You Day

Published: | Public Engagement

Staff at Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Centre for Health and Care at Plean St, Scotstoun celebrated ‘What Matters to You’ day on 6 June with a stall outside to chat to patients.

Working with our providers of social care services

Published: | Social Care

Over 100 people attended Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Provider Event on 19 June at Glasgow City Chambers. The event was aimed at providers of social care services, registered managers, HSCP senior management and HSCP commissioning staff.

Celebrating unpaid carers during Carers Week 2024


From 10 to 16 June, we celebrated Carers Week to highlight the importance of Glasgow’s unpaid carers.

Launching our HSCP's Equality Outcomes 2024 to 2028


We are pleased to launch our new Equalities Outcomes 2024 to 2028. The outcomes have been developed in partnership with key stakeholders across the city, including staff, partner organisations, equality organisations and their members.

Our Telecare Service is going digital!


Telecommunications providers across the UK, such as BT, Virgin Media, Sky and Talk Talk are replacing analogue phone lines with digital equivalents with analogue phone lines being switched off by January 2027.

Celebrating 10 years of partnership working to deliver DFN Project Search with University of Strathclyde and City of Glasgow College


It’s been 10 years since our HSCP, University of Strathclyde and City of Glasgow College have been working in partnership to deliver DFN Project Search at the university.

Celebrating our volunteers

Published: | Volunteering

National Volunteers’ Week takes place from 1 to 7 June every year and is a celebration across the UK of all the contributions volunteers make to their community.

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