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Shannon’s Box brings comfort to children and young people in care


Last month, our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) launched Shannon’s Box. The box will be distributed to every child and young person in Glasgow who is currently in care or is coming into care.

Shannon’s Box was originally created by a care experienced young person from East Ayrshire to try and make entering care a little bit easier. The idea of Shannon’s Box was then introduced to two care experienced twins from Glasgow – Emma and Alan. 

They loved the idea of the box and wanted to make their very own Glasgow version. The twins worked with designers from local creative agency Brawtalent, who helped them find the perfect illustrator, an artist called KMG, to bring their ideas to life. 

Emma, 18 said: “We wanted to make our own Glasgow version of the box that reflected the city and our culture. We added in things like The Gruffalo in Scots, and a blanket - I love cosy blankets so I wanted everyone to have one.”

Alan, 18 said: “These boxes are our own creative design, made with love and care to make them feel that bit more personalised. We hope these boxes help children and young people moving to a new area feel safe and welcome and let them know that they are not alone.”
There are two boxes available, one for younger children and one for older kids. Each box has a blanket, a book, colouring book and pens, photo album, teddy bear, night light and other items that can bring comfort to children and young people going into care. 

Susan Orr, our HSCP’s Head of Children’s Services, Families for Children/Children’s Residential said: “I’m so proud of Emma and Alan for all the hard work they put into making Shannon’s box a reality. This will be a fantastic way to promote some needed comfort to children and young people during a very difficult time.”

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