Publications Archive
Item No 10 - Adult Services Performance Presentation
Glasgow City HSCP North West Locality Forum Meeting Papers - 01 October 2024
The Thistle Service User Briefing
Bruce, Holly
Integration Joint Board Schedule of Meetings 2025-26
Item No 07 - Children’s Services Whole Family Wellbeing Funding Plan
This report provides an outline of the plan for the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund (WFWF) monies, which was allocated to address system ‘as is’ pressures by the Council’s City Administration Committee on 20th June 2024, with the proposed plan outlined in Appendix 1 recommended for approval by the Ch
Item No 09 - Implementation of ADRS Review and MAT Standards - Shared Care Model
The purpose of the report is to seek support from the IJB to implement a new model of Shared Care Model for Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service, aligned to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standard 7; to seek approval to progress the commissioning of a third sector partner to deliver on the new
Item No 10 - Social Care Planned Procurement 2025-26 and Commissioning Development Plan
To update the IJB on the planned procurement for social care services for financial year 2025/26, and to update on the progress of the commissioning development plan and planned development actions for 2025/26.
Item No 08 - Enhanced Mental Health Outcomes Framework
The purpose of the report is to provide an update to Integration Joint Boards (IJBs) across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde on the revised plans for delivery on programmes funded through the Enhanced Mental Health Outcomes Framework and advise IJBs of the implications across all programmes for fina