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Celebrating Partnership Working - Police Scotland Award for HSCP Staff Member

Published: | Homelessness

Huge congratulations to Nicola Milligan, Accommodation Manager within Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Homelessness Services on her award from Police Scotland.

Nicola was presented with a Greater Glasgow Division’s Certificate of Recognition, from Chief Superintendent Lynn Ratcliff, at the Commander’s Awards Ceremony on Thursday, 5 September in Glasgow City Chambers.

The award was in recognition for Nicola’s sustained commitment and enthusiasm in making a significant contribution to tackling homelessness in Glasgow.

Jim McBride, our HSCP’s Head of Adult Services (Homelessness & Complex Needs) said: “Nicola has consistently maintained strong positive partnership working with Police Scotland colleagues whilst overseeing the emergency accommodation of Glasgow citizens residing in hotels and bed and breakfast sites across the city. She is in regular liaison with Police Scotland, identifying and supporting individuals of concern as well as ensuring a wider safeguarding approach with people residing in emergency accommodation.”

Nicola said: “As part of the work, I focused on building strong relationships with hotel owners and Police Scotland to enhance community safety. I coordinated Naloxone training for all hotels and ensured that, where needed, there was adequate support and assistance from alcohol and drug recovery services. This was done to prioritise the safety and well-being of everyone involved.”

John McCartin, City Centre Police Commander and Jonny Watters, City Centre Community Inspector, recommended Nicola for the award highlighting her positive partnership work and significant contribution.

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