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Glasgow City HSCP - Healthy Working Lives Activity


Healthy Working Lives (HWL) is now part of the Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Group that has representatives across the HSCP. Each locality has a coordinator with HWL champions in many locations. These champions help to spread the HWL message and organise local activities.

Staff Health and Wellbeing (Healthy Working Lives) Bulletins 

Autumn 2022 Bulletin

Carers Week 2021 - Making Caring Visible and Valued

News Item
Published: June 01 2021

June saw the country celebrate Carers Week to highlight the importance of unpaid carers. From 7 to 13 June, Local Carers Centres in Glasgow City raised awareness and organised activities for people who provide everyday unpaid support to friends, family and neighbours who can’t manage otherwise.

News & Events


Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is committed to communicating with the people who it works with and supports so that they are kept up to date on work that is happening across the Partnership. Our Communications Strategy outlines how we are doing this.

COVID-19 Message from Janet McCullough


Please see below a personal video message from Janet McCullough, Head of Children’s Services (South), Glasgow City HSCP, in which she gives an update on how staff within her teams have been keeping children, young people and families supported during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and thanks staff for all their incredible efforts.  

Please press play for the video to start:


Sandyford Staff Develop New Teaching Resource for Scotland

News Item
Published: March 01 2020 | Health Improvement, Sexual Health

On behalf of a national partnership, the Health Improvement Team within Sandyford Sexual Health Services commissioned and led the development of the new national Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) online teaching and learning resource.

COVID-19 Message from Susanne Millar


Please see below a personal video message from Susanne Millar, Interim Chief Officer, GCHSCP thanking all our staff for their efforts during Coronavirus.

Please press play for the video to start:

COVID-19 HSCP Update


Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is a partnership between Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) for the planning and delivery of community health and social care services in Glasgow.

On this webpage you will find updates on the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our health and social care services that we are responsible for. It also includes some links to national and local websites with more information, advice and guidance on COVID-19.

New Patient Pathway to Streamline COVID-19 Assessments

News Item
Published: March 01 2020 | Primary Care, Public Protection

New dedicated Community Assessment Centres (CACs) have opened across Greater Glasgow and Clyde to help combat COVID-19 by providing a more streamlined service to assess people presenting symptoms.

COVID-19 Message from Frances McMeeking


Please see below a personal video message from Frances McMeeking, Assistant Chief Officer (Operational Care Services), GCHSCP, thanking all our staff for their efforts and giving an update on key actions being taken to manage and respond to the impact of COVID-19 on our health and social care services within Operational Care Services.

Please press play for the video to start:

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