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10 May 2016

| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

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Glasgow marks World Suicide Prevention Day

News Item
Published: October 01 2023

From 4 to 10 September, Scotland stood together during Suicide Prevention Week to raise awareness and shine a light on suicide and what we can do to keep each other safe.

This year, we’re continuing with the theme of ‘Creating Hope Through Action’ and encouraging people to talk about suicide and find out more about suicide prevention activities. 

Minister visits our listening service for young people experiencing emotional distress

News Item
Published: October 01 2023 | Mental Health

Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport recently visited the Young People’s Compassionate Distress Response Service (CDRS). 

Run by Glasgow Association for Mental Health (GAMH) on behalf of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), the CDRS provides a listening service for people aged over 16, experiencing emotional distress.

Ms Todd, and colleagues from the Scottish Government, were met by young people who have used the service, as well as staff from GAMH and the HSCP. 

Free Condoms service helps make sexual health a priority for students

News Item
Published: October 01 2023 | Sexual Health

In response to high levels of Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea incidence in under 25s, the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) Free Condoms Service supported College and University fresher’s events and this year's Freshers Festival in September. 

HSCP Pharmacy Technician named NHSGGC Year 1 Modern Apprentice of the Year

News Item
Published: October 01 2023 | Primary Care

Mohannad Dawod, Pre-Registration Pharmacy Technician, with Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Adelphi Centre Pharmacy Hub has won a top award. 

Mohannad, a Pre-Registration Pharmacy Technician was named Year One Apprentice of the Year 2023, at the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (NHSGG) Modern Apprentice Celebration and Awards Event in September.

Review of 16+ Accommodation and Support Services

News Item
Published: October 01 2023
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is excited to give you an update on the review of 16+ Accommodation and Support Services.

Our Community Rehabilitation Teams are maximising people’s independence

News Item
Published: October 01 2023

Hearing how their patient managed to get out of her house for the first time in nearly two years has highlighted how our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Community Rehabilitation Teams are helping patients to maximise their independence.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde launches engagement on GP Out of Hours

News Item
Published: October 01 2023 | Primary Care

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is seeking views on its delivery of GP Out of Hours, to inform the development of the service.

With extensive patient involvement, NHSGGC has moved to a more stable appointment-based model of delivering GP Out of Hours, since 2020. This change has resulted in a reduction of waiting times, fewer unplanned closures of sites and a high degree of satisfaction from those accessing the service. 

Local Area Coordination Football Tournament

News Item
Published: October 01 2023

Before COVID, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s Local Area Coordination (LAC) Learning Disability ran fun-filled five-a-side football tournaments twice a year, in partnership with Glasgow Life, at the Nethercraigs facility. Sadly, COVID came along and put the brakes on the tournaments for a couple of years.

June 2017 - Special Edition on Homelessness

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

You can read about how the Homelessness Services Team, part of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership, has developed some new ways of working with partner agencies in the third sector to focus on better outcomes for the most vulnerable citizens with complex needs who find themselves homeless.

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