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Accolade for Truly Inspirational Mental Health Officer

News Item
Published: December 01 2020 | Mental Health

Congratulations to former Glasgow Health & Social Care employee, Colin Fraser, who has been named Mental Health Officer of the Year 2020.

Clare Haughey MSP, Minister for Mental Health, hailed Colin as "truly inspirational" as she presented him (virtually) with the Scottish Association of Social Work award.

Colin, who worked with Glasgow City HSCP helping people in mental distress in Glasgow for many years, was nominated by his social work colleagues ahead of his recent retirement.

COVID-19 Message from Susanne Millar - December 2020


Please see below a personal video message from Susanne Millar, Interim Chief Officer, Glasgow City HSCP, in which she talks about the incredible contributions of staff this year in supporting the health and social care needs of Glasgow throughout the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. She also expresses her immense thanks and deep gratitude for staff's continued support and contributions. 

Press play to start the video: 


New Leaflet - A guide to paying for your care home

News Item
Published: December 01 2020
A new ‘Guide to Paying for your Care Home’ booklet has been developed to support service users and families to navigate through this financial assessment process.

Staff at Balmore Ward Donate Christmas Presents to Women’s Aid

News Item
Published: December 01 2020 | Domestic Abuse

Generous Glasgow City HSCP staff working in Balmore Ward at Leverndale Hospital decided this year to forego the usual staff tradition of giving presents to each other by Secret Santa and instead donated their presents to the women and children being supported by Renfrewshire Women’s Aid. 

The amount of presents collected shows that staff clearly went way beyond what they would normally purchase for each other.

National Recognition for Glasgow's Recovery Communities

News Item
Published: December 01 2020 | Addictions

Volunteers helping hundreds of people recovering from addiction in Glasgow have received national recognition.

Glasgow's inspirational Recovery Communities have won the hotly-contested Volunteers Category of the prestigious Scottish Health Awards.

A network of groups across the city are helping people rebuild their lives as they recover from drug and alcohol addiction following treatment.

People who have overcome addiction themselves are using their personal experience to offer hope and advice as well as practical and emotional support to others in recovery.

Glasgow City Health Improvement Annual Report 2019/20 Now Available

News Item
Published: December 01 2020 | Health Improvement

The Annual Report for Glasgow City Health Improvement is now available.  This report provides an insight into the progress made by Health Improvement to improve health and reduce health inequalities in 2019/20.  Progress is framed in relation to the three Strategic Direction headers of: Building Mental Well-being and Resilience, Building Structurally and Socially Resilient Communities and Creating a Culture for Health in the City.  The report highlights the way in which teams work across population, people and place to reach those who need support.

Scottish Health Awards 2020 – AHP award winner and praise for Equipu Store service support

News Item
Published: December 01 2020
At a virtual awards ceremony on the 9th Dec, hosted by Fred MacAulay, Alex Kane, Specialist Physiotherapist in Glasgow City HSCP Children’s services, won the Scottish Allied Health Professional Award.

Glasgow City HSCP Buildings / Services Open to the Public During the Holiday Period

News Item
Published: December 01 2020
Social Work Services

Over the festive period all public social work offices will remain open between 08:45am to 4.45pm (Monday to Thursday) and 08.45am to 3.55pm (Friday) but will be closed on the following public holidays: 

Friday 25 December 2020 Monday 28 December 2020  Thursday 31 December 2020 closed from 12 noon onwards Friday 1 January 2021 Monday 4 January 2021.

The exception to the above is:

Glasgow City HSCP Team Supports Vulnerable Families this Christmas

News Item
Published: December 01 2020 | Children and Families

Glasgow City HSCP’s Children and Families Team will be spreading festive cheer to some of the city’s most vulnerable children this Christmas.

Home Care Recruitment Campaign Reaches Final of APSE Awards

News Item
Published: December 01 2020 | Social Care

Glasgow City HSCP was recognised at the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) awards for public sector excellence last week.

The Care Team were finalists in the category ‘Best Efficiency and Transformation Initiative’, for the mass home care recruitment campaign which ran in April last year. They worked alongside the Council’s Marketing, Social Media and PR team to run a multi-platform recruitment campaign across two weeks. They then overhauled the recruitment process to make it more timely and less admin intensive by incorporating a pre-screening tool.

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