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21 February 2018

| Integration Joint Board - Performance Scrutiny Committee

Item No 8 - Draft Palliative and End of Life Care Plan

February 2018 | Integration Joint Board - Performance Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

1. To summarise the key issues arising from the consultation exercise.

2. To present an amended plan that reflects the feedback received during consultation.

Item No 5 - Rolling Action List - 21-02-2018

February 2018 | Integration Joint Board - Performance Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

North East Locality Forum Meeting

Glasgow Kelvin College, East End Campus, 2 Haghill Rd, Glasgow G31 3SR
If you require more information please contact Tony Devine 0141-553- 2861 Mobile 0777-265-4641
GCHSCP Event | Public Engagement

Agenda includes Medical Practice Closure Allander Surgery, Springburn Health Centre, Update on Proposal of Health and Social Care Hub for the East end of Glasgow, and Event on 5th March on the Five year Strategy for Mental Health.

Item No.8 - Mental Health Services

February 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Adults, Mental Health, Finance

The purpose of this report is to provide an outline of the adult services financial proposals for 2017/18

Item No 3 - IJB-Public Engagement Committee Minute 29-11-17 (Draft)

February 2018 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Minutes – Draft

Item No 5 - Rolling Action List - 11.04.18

February 2018 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports

Item No 6 - Glasgow Health and Inequality Commission 2017

February 2018 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports

To present the findings of the Commission undertaken by Glasgow City Council and consider the implications of the recommendations for health and social care.

Item No 7 - Improving Cultural Competence in Children's Services

February 2018 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports

To update committee on commitment to continuous improvement ensuring a culturally competent workforce with specific reference to working with Black African Families.

Item No 8 - Public Engagement Committee Meeting Schedule and Workplan 2018

February 2018 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports

To propose a schedule of meetings for the IJB Public Engagement Committee in 2018 to be held in each of the city’s localities, to outline potential agenda items for future meetings, and to ask Committee to discuss and agree further agenda items for future meetings.

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