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LEF Online Engagement Session

Online via MS Teams

Locality Engagement Forums (LEFs) exist to provide a space for members of the community and partners to come together to discuss issues, themes and listen to what is happening with health and social care services in the North East, North West and the South of Glasgow.

Your Voice and Views Matters so join us for our Online Engagement Session using Microsoft Teams.

Topic: Developments in GP Services, Pharmacy services and Primary Care Mental Health services and What Do These Mean for You?       

Glasgow PAC Mental Health Research 2022

April 2022 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Young People, Mental Health, Children and Families

In January 2021, Social Marketing Gateway (SMG) was commissioned by Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP), acting on behalf of PAC to conduct insight research to better understand the experiences and opinions of care experienced young people in Glasgow about mental health services.

Click Download PDF to read the full findings. 

ITEM No.4 - Communications Channels and Development Update

November 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports | Communication

To provide an update on the channels used by the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership to communicate with stakeholders and communications development work being progressed.

COVID-19 Briefing - 8 April 2022

April 2022 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

ITEM No.5 - Participation and Engagement Strategy Update and Action Plan

November 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports

To seek approval of an action plan to support implementation of the Integration Joint Board’s Participation and Engagement Strategy, and high level structural arrangements for engagement with localities, the Health and Social Care Partnership and the Integration Joint Board.

ITEM No.6 - Overview of Locality Engagement

November 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports

To provide an initial overview of some of the engagement activity being carried out in the three localities across the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.

IJB Finance Audit and Scrutiny Committee (M) 08-12-2021 (Approved)

April 2022 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Minutes – Approved
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