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Item No 10 - Unscheduled Care Commissioning Plan - Design and Delivery Plan - 2022-2023 - 2024-2025

March 2022 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To present the Design and Delivery Plan as the updated and re-freshed Board-wide strategic commissioning plan for unscheduled care.

Item No 07 - Medium Term Financial Outlook 2022-25

March 2022 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

This report outlines the Medium Term Financial Outlook for the Integration Joint Board (IJB) and has been prepared to support financial planning and delivery of the IJB’s Strategic Plan.

GCHSCP Draft Communications Strategy 2017 - 2019

January 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Strategy | Communication

Item No 08 - IJB Financial Allocations and Budgets 2022-23

March 2022 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To provide the IJB with a full update on the proposed financial allocations to, and implications for, the IJB Budget in 2022-23.

EQIA - GP Budget

March 2022 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Equality

HSCP Staff Recognised at Recent Awards

News Item
Published: March 01 2022 | Physiotherapy

Several Glasgow City HSCP staff and teams have been shortlisted for Awards over the last few months.

These include:

The NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (NHSGGC) Excellence Awards. These Awards are for individual members of staff, teams or projects that have identified ways to deliver improvements that benefit patients and service uses, colleagues or NHSGGC. There are eight categories of Awards which were presented at the Celebrating Success Awards event on 23 February 2022.

Raising Awareness of Cancer Screening Programmes with BME Residents/Patients

News Item
Published: March 01 2022 | Health Improvement

Animations have been developed to raise awareness of the Breast, Bowel and Cervical national cancer screening programmes for BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) residents/patients/ community organisations. 

Our take up rates for cancer screening are currently lower for BME patients so the animations are targeted to contribute to reducing this health inequality.

HSCP Complex Needs Service launched in Glasgow

News Item
Published: March 01 2022

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is launching its innovative Complex Needs Service on 14 March 2022.

Complex Needs is a brand new model that will provide a specialist, highly personalised service for individuals presenting with multiple and complex health and social care needs who aren’t able to engage with mainstream services in Glasgow. The Complex Needs Service will be the interface between Homelessness, Alcohol and Drug Recovery Services, Mental Health and Justice Services in Glasgow City. 

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