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Item No.9 - Integrated Health and Social Care Hub at Parkhead

August 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Executive Committee | Papers and Reports | Health and Care Centres

To provide the IJB-Executive Committee with a briefing on the commitment within the HSCP Strategic Plan to develop an integrated health and social care hub in Parkhead and to set this proposal within the wider context of our strategy to improve services for older people in the North East, and the Health Board’s draft proposals for re-designing services currently based at Lightburn Hospital

Item No 08 - Health Improvement Performance Presentation

February 2023 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

Helping Mothers in Glasgow to Breastfeed with Confidence

News Item
Published: February 01 2023 | Breastfeeding

Congratulations to Elderpark Housing Association in Govan. They’ve recently signed up to the Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Scheme. 

The Breastfeeding Friendly Scotland Scheme (BFS) runs across Scotland to help provide mothers with positive experiences of breastfeeding when out and about in public areas. Businesses and organisations can actively support mothers to feed on their premises by signing up to the BFS Scheme and displaying their BFS sticker. This gives a visual reassurance that breastfeeding families will be welcomed.

Item No.10 - Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee: Calls for view on Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services

August 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Executive Committee | Papers and Reports | Young People, Mental Health

To advise the IJB-Executive Committee of a response submitted to the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee on behalf of the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

New Video Launched Explaining How Technology Enabled Care and Support (TECS) Can Help People Live More Independently

News Item
Published: February 01 2023 | Social Care, Disability

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) offers Technology Enabled Care and Support (TECS) as a care and support option, for people to live their lives as independently as possible, in their own home. 

A new video has been launched to promote and explain how TECS can work as part of a person’s package of social care support. The video has been split into two short parts and can be viewed in any order. 

Item No.11 - Glasgow's Independent Living Strategy

August 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Executive Committee | Papers and Reports

To seek authorisation from the Integration Joint Board (IJB) to include the HSCP logo on communication relating to the Vision Statement for Glasgow’s Independent Living Strategy

Agenda - 22/02/2023

February 2023 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Agenda

Item No 03 - IJB-Public Engagement Committee (M) 16.11.2022 - DRAFT

February 2023 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Minutes – Draft
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