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Item No.8a - Care Inspectorate Children's Services

September 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports | Children and Families

To provide the Finance and Audit Committee with a summary of Care Inspectorate Activity for directly provided children’s residential services within the period of 1st January to 30th June 2016.

Child Protection: Introducing the Glasgow Child Interview Team

News Item
Published: October 01 2022
A new approach to how we interview child victims and witnesses is being developed and rolled out across Scotland, and Glasgow is the fourth Scottish local authority to be involved in piloting the new model.

New Hospital at Home Service Helps People Stay in Their Own Homes For Longer

News Item
Published: October 01 2022

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) South Locality teams have been running an innovative service that supports and improves patients’ health and wellbeing while keeping them in their own homes for longer.

To date, 594 acute hospital bed days have been saved thanks to a test of change launched in January 2022, which provides hospital level treatment to patients with acute illnesses in their own homes. 

Item No.8b - Care Inspectorate Older People

September 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports | Older People

To provide IJB-Finance and Audit Committee with a summary of Care Inspectorate activity within directly provided older people’s residential and day care services in the period June 2015 – July 2016.

December 2016

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

In this issue we talk about the success of staff at recent Award ceremonies, Adult Support and Protection, and how the Telecare Service helps people stay safe at home. We also give an update on our Provider Event and the work of the Glasgow City Community Respiratory Team (pictured above) who featured in the British Lung Foundation’s World COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) Day Campaign.

Partnership Matters Briefing - September/October 2022

Newsletter item
| Newsletter
Our September/October edition features a message from our Chief Officer, Susanne Millar; you can read about the success of the Mental Health Assessment Unit at Leverndale Hospital; we introduce the Glasgow Child Interview Team; we reflect on activities during World Suicide Prevention Day; and you can read our newly-published Annual Performance Report for 2021-22. Also in this edition are links to lots of other news, along with dates of key meetings and events.

Agenda - 26/10/2022

October 2022 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Agenda

Item No 03 - IJB Finance Audit and Scrutiny Committee (M) 15-06-2022 - DRAFT

October 2022 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Minutes – Draft

Item No.9 - Performance Report

September 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports | Performance

The purpose of this report is to present the first Joint Performance Report for the Finance and Audit Committee and to provide an update on the ongoing work to develop integrated performance management processes across the Health and Social Care Partnership.

Item No 05 - Rolling Action List

October 2022 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports
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