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Glasgow City HSCP Nurses Chosen for Prestigious QNIS Development Programme

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Published: March 01 2022

Two Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) nurses have recently begun the prestigious Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (QNIS) development programme. 

The QNIS is a charitable organisation that has been promoting excellence in community nursing to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Scotland since 1889. Their aim is to equip nurses with the education, skills and confidence they need to help people achieve better health and wellbeing, as well as championing nurses as advocates for quality health and care needs. 

Single Point of Access (SPoA)

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Published: March 01 2022
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) provides a range of health and social work services which have their own processes for how people access them. We have acknowledged that it can be confusing for the public and other agencies, and even staff, to know how to access individual services.

GlasGOw Get Tested HIV Campaign Launched

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Published: March 01 2022

Sandyford Sexual Health Services hosted within Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and the Terrence Higgins Trust have recently launched the second phase of their HIV testing social marketing intervention campaign.

Review of the Glasgow City HSCP Strategic Plan - Update

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Published: March 01 2022
Our HSCP is reviewing its Strategic Plan. We’re working in partnership with a range of organisations, networks and groups representing and delivering services to people across the city, to give them a chance to be part of the conversation on the future of health and social care in Glasgow City. The feedback we get will shape the next plan and the work that our HSCP will take forward

HSCP staff encouraged to become mentors and change a young person’s life

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Published: July 01 2022

Since 2017, Glasgow City Council has been partnering with MCR Pathways to bring a variety of new mentors to its local schools.  MCR Pathways has been making a difference to the young people of Glasgow for 15 years and currently supports 1,454 young people (S3-S6) within Glasgow City. They’re in the process of recruiting a further 295 mentors for the new academic year, and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) staff can help!

Launch of Socially Connected Glasgow Strategy

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Published: July 01 2022 | Health Improvement

On 23 June 2022 Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)  launched The Socially Connected Glasgow Strategy, which was commissioned by the HSCP and co-produced by Impact Funding Partners (IFP) and the people of Glasgow.

The development of the strategy focuses on the importance of mental well-being in our recovery from the pandemic as a city and in the HSCP’s Maximising Independence programme. 

Consultation on the draft Glasgow City HSCP Strategic Plan

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Published: July 01 2022
If the HSCP’s next Plan is going to properly reflect the views and priorities of people within the city it is very important people take the chance to give us their feedback

Let’s Get Communities Connected App Launched to Reduce risk of Re-offending

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Published: August 01 2022
A new Glasgow app connecting people to supports around known issues that can contribute to offending and reoffending has been launched: 

Recent Awards and Nominations for Glasgow City HSCP Staff and Projects

News Item
Published: August 01 2022

Several Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) staff and projects have been nominated and successful in recent awards. Congratulations to all staff involved and good luck to those still to hear results!

The HSCP’s Housing First Service is one of three finalists in the ‘Excellence in Adult Services’ category in this year’s Scottish Social Services Awards. The winner will be announced at the Award ceremony on 15 September. 

Care Home Nursing Team hosts first Carers Development Event

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Published: August 01 2022
In May 2020, the Scottish Government directed Health and Social Care Partnerships to put in place assurance processes to support care homes, therefore the Glasgow City HSCP’s Care Home Nursing Team (CHNT) was developed to provide direct support to Care Homes across Glasgow City in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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