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Care Homes Virtual Gym Sessions

News Item
Published: October 01 2022
Glasgow City HSCP care homes have been working in partnership with Burns Gym to deliver virtual gym sessions for the residents of our care homes. This has been an innovative approach to supporting our residents to engage with physical activity with fantastic outcomes for everyone.

Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing for Primary Schoolchildren

News Item
Published: October 01 2022 | Health Improvement
Staff from Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) South Health Improvement Team (HIT) have been supporting Gowanbank Primary School in South Glasgow, to create a new Mental Health and Wellbeing (MHWB) policy. The policy was launched at a celebration ceremony at the school on Friday, 30 September.

Child Protection: Introducing the Glasgow Child Interview Team

News Item
Published: October 01 2022
A new approach to how we interview child victims and witnesses is being developed and rolled out across Scotland, and Glasgow is the fourth Scottish local authority to be involved in piloting the new model.

New Hospital at Home Service Helps People Stay in Their Own Homes For Longer

News Item
Published: October 01 2022

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) South Locality teams have been running an innovative service that supports and improves patients’ health and wellbeing while keeping them in their own homes for longer.

To date, 594 acute hospital bed days have been saved thanks to a test of change launched in January 2022, which provides hospital level treatment to patients with acute illnesses in their own homes. 

Health and Social Care Connect Launches Today

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Published: November 01 2022
We’re making it easier for you to contact us!

First Pharmacist Consultant Development Post in Scotland Recruited in Partnership with Glasgow City HSCP

News Item
Published: November 01 2022 | Primary Care

Leanne Black has been appointed to the first Pharmacist Consultant Development Post in Scotland, focused on improving the care of people living with frailty. This new two-year post is a collaborative initiative between Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), Renfrewshire HSCP, and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s (NHSGGC) Pharmacy Services.  Leanne brings a wealth of knowledge from her current role as an advanced pharmacist for older people in our HSCP’s North West locality.

Home Care Hosts Virtual Afternoon Tea

News Item
Published: November 01 2022 | Social Care

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Home Care service hosted its second annual ‘virtual afternoon tea party’ for service users in October. Service users aged 100 or over were invited to participate along with their friends or family members.

Gordon Bryan, Head of Care Services said: “Following the success of last year’s virtual event we decided to host the tea parties in service users’ homes again to allow as many of those eligible to participate as possible.

Housing First Service Recognised at Scottish Social Services Awards

News Item
Published: November 01 2022 | Homelessness

Huge congratulations to our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)’s Housing First Service, which was one of three finalists in the Excellence in Adult Services Category, at the Scottish Social Services Awards, held on 9 November in Glasgow.

Glasgow City HSCP Staff Awards for Excellence 2022 - Winners and Commendations

News Item
Published: November 01 2022

Glasgow City HSCP’s (Health and Social Care Partnership) Staff Awards for Excellence 2022 took place as a virtual event this year on 26 October. The Awards recognise and celebrate individual staff, teams and projects who have ‘gone the extra mile’ in their work in a number of categories.

Both Health and Social Work staff working within our HSCP, whether in a frontline or business support role, were eligible to be nominated. There was also an awards category for volunteers, and individuals outwith the HSCP could be nominated.

Working with the Mental Health Network

News Item
Published: November 01 2022 | Mental Health

The Mental Health Network (Greater Glasgow) is a network of people and carers with a lived experience of mental health issues. The organisation works in partnership with Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCP) as part of a commissioned contract within the geographical area of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC). 

Glasgow City HSCP works closely with the Mental Health Network to engage with service users in both our Mental Health Inpatient settings and Community Mental Health Teams. 

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