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SDCF - Service user families information
Safer drug consumption facilities (SDCFs) are supervised healthcare settings where people can consume drugs, obtained elsewhere, in the presence of trained health and social care professionals, in clean and hygienic environments reducing the risk of overdose and infectious diseases whilst offering support and access to healthcare services.
SDCF - Local communities
Safer Drug Consumption facilities (SDCF) were first established in Switzerland in the 1980’s. There are now more than 100 of these facilities worldwide, which has resulted in extensive research and evaluation of the impact on local communities.
The general themes from this research show that following the opening of SDCFs:
SDCF - Frequently asked questions
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is planning to establish a Safer Drug Consumption Facility (SDCF) in Glasgow City Centre.
SDCF - Engagement
In September 2023 Glasgow City Integration Joint Board (IJB) approved a plan to implement a Safer Drug Consumption Facility in Hunter Street Health and Care centre.
Safer drug consumption facilities (SDCFs) are clean, hygienic environments where people can consume drugs, obtained elsewhere, under the supervision of trained health and social care professionals, reducing the risk of overdose and infectious diseases whilst offering support and access to healthcare and social care services.
Working in the Safer Drug Consumption Facility in Scotland
Any further vacancies in the Safer Drug Consumption Facility can no
Non-Residential Charging Policy survey for an Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)
The aim of this anonymous survey is to gather a range of service user and carer views on the Social Work Services Social Care Charging Policy for Non-Residential Chargeable Services, which governs charges for our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership services other than residential care. The survey results will inform an Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) being written in relation to the Charging Policy.
Publications and Meetings
On this webpage you will find links to the key publications of the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. This includes:
current and past meeting papers of the Integration Joint Board and its committeesgovernance documents that set out the various arrangements, principles and standards of the Integration Joint Board and the Partnershipkey strategies and plansconsultations andother publicationsThe following links will direct you to either further webpages or actual documents.
Glasgow City Integration Joint Board Papers
The next meeting of the IJB will take place on Wednesday 19th March 2025 at 9.30am.
Quarterly Performance Reports
In line with the Partnership’s performance management arrangements, performance reports are produced on a quarterly basis. These reports are then scrutinised by citywide and locality management teams. The Integration Joint Board’s Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee also receives a quarterly performance report and, at each meeting, they focus on specific service areas with service leads. These reports can be accessed below
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership
Within Glasgow City, Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have integrated the planning and delivery of all community health and social care services for children, adults and older people, along with homelessness and criminal justice services.