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Item No 05 - Rolling Action List
Agenda - 19/02/2025
SDCF - Background information
There are over 100 Safer Drug Consumption Facilities (SDCF) worldwide including Europe, North America and Australia.
SDCFs offer a compassionate, person-centred service which focuses on reducing the harms associated with injecting drug use and helps people access appropriate services to meet their needs.
SDCF - News and updates
In this area you will find all the latest news and updates relating to our plans for a Safer Drug Consumption Facility (SDCF).
Item No 13 - Review of Consultation and Engagement Log
The purpose of this report is to inform the IJB Public Engagement Committee about activity to review the Consultation and Engagement Log and how this is presented to the Committee and to seek approval for proposed changes.
Item No 12 - Welfare Rights - Public Engagement Activity
The purpose of this report is to inform the Public Engagement Committee (PEC) of the ways in which Glasgow City HSCP supports the citizens of Glasgow to ensure that they are provided with accurate information about their welfare rights.
Item No 09 - The Thistle (Safer Drug Consumption Facility) – Engagement Update
The purpose of the report is to update the IJB Public Engagement Committee on the engagement activity that was undertaken preceding the opening of the Safer Drug Consumption Facility (SDCF) in Glasgow City in January 2025. The report updates the Committee on the activity undertaken, the pre-launch week and the activity planned for future engagement.
Item No 11 - IJB Strategic Plan - Engagement Approach
To update the IJB Public Engagement Committee (PEC) on the requirement to develop a Strategic Plan and invite discussion on the proposed approach to public engagement to support the development of the IJB Strategic Plan.
Item No 10 - Engagement on GCHSCP Locality Plans - Update
To inform the IJB Public Engagement Committee (PEC) on the output of Locality Plan engagement activities undertaken to date, both in terms of the draft 2024/25 plans and the development of Locality Plans for 2025/26.