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Glasgow City HSCP Duty of Candour Reports
Duty of Candour is a specific legal obligation for Health and Social Care Partnerships to be open and honest with the people who receive care or treatment. This is outlined within law.
In February 2018, the Duty of Candour Procedure (Scotland) Regulations 2018 was introduced and relates to:
Integration Joint Board Membership
IJB Public Engagement Committee Membership
Hennon, Gillian (Substitute)
Falls Awareness and Prevention Work
Injuries caused by falls are a leading cause of hospital admission and death for those aged over 75. On average, there are over 4,000 hospital admissions in Glasgow each year due to a fall.
Fear of falling can result in inactivity, loss of confidence and increased risk of falls in older people. It can also result in reduced social interactions leading to isolation or loneliness.
Hutchison, Dan (Substitute)
Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests
Glasgow City Integration Joint Board’s current Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and Declaration of Interests are available.