22 March 2023
Agenda - 22/03/2023
Item No 03 - Glasgow City IJB Minutes 25-01-2023 - DRAFT
Item No 05 - Rolling Action List
Item No 07 - Integration Joint Board Financial Allocations and Budgets for 2023-24
This report will outline the revenue budget for Glasgow City Integration Joint Board for 2023-24 and the budget available for services commissioned from Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.
Item No 07 - IJB Financial Allocations and Budgets 2023-2024 - Amended 22/03/2023
Item No 08 - Medium Term Financial Outlook 2023 - 2026
This report outlines the Medium Term Financial Outlook for the Integration Joint Board (IJB) and has been prepared to support financial planning and delivery of the IJB’s Strategic Plan.
Item No 09 - SG Funding for Improved MH Services for Children and Young People 2023-24
To advise the IJB of the plan for the third year of investment in community mental health supports for children and young people by the Scottish Government.
Item No 10 - Gender Identity Services - Scottish Government Funding Spending Proposal
To outline the proposal which the NHSGGC Gender Identity Programme Board has developed in response to a Scottish Government allocation of £496,500 to:
• Identify those on adult and young people services waiting lists with unmet need who may require additional support
• Direct those who require additional support to appropriate services
• Expand the existing service capacity.
Item No 11 - Glasgow City IJB Property Strategy 2023-26
This report outlines Glasgow City IJB’s Property Strategy 2023-2026 in support of the delivery of the IJB’s Strategic Plan.
Item No 12 - Glasgow City HSCP Domestic Abuse Strategy 2023-2028
To seek IJB approval for implementation of the first Domestic Abuse Strategy for the HSCP.
Item No 13 - Social Care Planned Procurement 2023-24 and Commissioning Service Development Plan
To update the IJB on the planned procurement for social care services for financial year 2023/24, and to update on the progress of the commissioning development plan and planned development actions for 2023/24.
Item No 15 - Glasgow City IJB Budget Monitoring for Month 10 and Period 11 2022-23
This report is an update on financial reporting for the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board as of 31st December (Health) and 13th January (Council).
Item No 16 - Homelessness Services - Temporary Homelessness Accommodation Charges for 2023-24
To inform Glasgow City Integration Joint Board of the charges proposed to be set for homelessness temporary accommodation for 2023/24.
Item No 17 - Foster Care Summit - Update and Next Steps
To provide an interim report to the Integration Joint Board on the recent Foster Carer Summit and proposed next steps to support foster carers in Glasgow.
Item No 18 - Specialist Children’s Services Single Service Alignment
To provide an update for Glasgow City Integration Joint Board on the planning for implementation of the new managerial and governance arrangements for Specialist Children’s Services within the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area.