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Supporting children and families with autism
Some of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) health visitors have been taking part in intensive autism training.
Have you ever thought about fostering, but ruled it out because you work?
If you’re keen to support a vulnerable child but not able to make a full-time commitment, then you could be a short breaks carer with Families for Children – the fostering and adoption service for Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

Film Screenings Increase Staff Awareness Around the Impact of Childhood Adversity
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP)’s Health Improvement Team staff has recently been working with the Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS) to increase awareness around the impact childhood trauma can have on individuals and society.
Childhood Immunisation Teams Successfully Deliver Flu Vaccination Campaign
Getting Through the Pandemic Together at Wallacewell

Glasgow City HSCP Team Supports Vulnerable Families this Christmas
Glasgow City HSCP’s Children and Families Team will be spreading festive cheer to some of the city’s most vulnerable children this Christmas.

Virtual Baby Group Supports New Parents
With the outbreak of COVID 19, Glasgow City HSCP’s Children and Families Health Visiting Teams in South Glasgow have adapted practice to meet the needs of families. This has included new and innovative ways of working.
Supporting Breastfeeding - Govanhill Baby Cafe's 5th Birthday
Over 1,200 new mothers have benefited from support from Glasgow Baby Cafės in the last five years, according to new figures from the National Childbirth Trust (NCT).

MCR Pathways: Sign Up and Help a Young Person Succeed
Mentoring programme MCR Pathways are hoping to reach even more young people in 2020 and it’s easy to get involved.

Glasgow National Care Leavers Week Open Day 2019
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP) hosted their 8th Annual Care Leavers Open Day at the Barras Art and Design (BaAD) venue in the East End on Friday 25 October 2019.