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Showing 1 - 10 of 18 results

Helping young people towards positive destinations

Published: | Employability

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) now has a young person’s employability service within key HSCP services. Glasgow City Council (GCC) is the lead partner for this, and Council staff work closely with our HSCP’s Health Improvement staff.

Supporting GP practices with their acute prescribing

Published: | Primary Care

An acute prescription is medication given to treat a sudden and short-term condition, also known as an acute condition, such as antibiotics to treat an infection. They’re also used when starting a new medication if there needs to be a review before you start taking it long term.

Working together to ensure the sustainability of General Practice

Published: | Primary Care

In Glasgow City we have 140 GP surgeries, hosting around 617 GPs, in addition to other clinical staff, caring for 791,000 registered patients. Each GP surgery has a Practice Manager who is vital to the successful running of the surgery.

HSCP Pharmacy Technician named NHSGGC Year 1 Modern Apprentice of the Year

Published: | Primary Care

Mohannad Dawod, Pre-Registration Pharmacy Technician, with Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Adelphi Centre Pharmacy Hub has won a top award. 

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde launches engagement on GP Out of Hours

Published: | Primary Care

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) is seeking views on its delivery of GP Out of Hours, to inform the development of the service.

First Pharmacist Consultant Development Post in Scotland Recruited in Partnership with Glasgow City HSCP

Published: | Primary Care

Leanne Black has been appointed to the first Pharmacist Consultant Development Post in Scotland, focused on improving the care of people living with frailty.

£4.4 Million Investment in Glasgow’s Health and Care Centres Rolls Out Across Communities

Published: | Primary Care

Works to improve six of Glasgow’s community health and care centres are being rolled-out, with a focus on improving consultation and clinical areas as well as improvements to office and admin spaces.

Students Benefiting from Development of New Parkhead Hub Health and Care Centre

Published: | Primary Care
Students from St Andrew’s RC Secondary School in Glasgow’s East End recently worked on a community investment project tied to the development of the proposed Parkhead Hub Health and Care Centre, which is being developed in partnership by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (NHSGGC) and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

Community Assessment Centres (CACs) – A Vital Tool In Our COVID-19 Armoury

Published: | Primary Care

One of the first major responses to the COVID-19 pandemic has also proven to be one of the most effective, providing vital frontline support for thousands of patients, and protecting the health service from being overwhelmed by the virus.

Locality Engagement Forum Discusses Primary Care Services

Published: | Primary Care

Physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges for the usual ways in which Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) seeks the views and experiences of people who access our health and care services.

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