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Alexa is improving wellbeing for residents of our HSCP’s care homes
Special Alexa devices have proved to be a hit with both residents and staff in Orchard Grove and Meadowburn Care Homes.

Residents and service users enjoy the festive season
Glasgow City Health and Social Care partnership (HSCP) runs five residential care homes, providing 24-hour assistance to people who are no longer able to live independently at home. Our HSCP also runs day care services and care at home services.
Working with our providers of social care services
Over 100 people attended Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Provider Event on 19 June at Glasgow City Chambers. The event was aimed at providers of social care services, registered managers, HSCP senior management and HSCP commissioning staff.
Improving Care - The Sandyford menopause email advice service
An innovative email service for health staff is helping women get treatment more quickly for menopausal symptoms.
Maximising Independence approach helps Glasgow resident return home
Free Condoms service helps make sexual health a priority for students
In response to high levels of Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea incidence in under 25s, the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) Free Condoms Service supported College and University fresher’s events and this year's Freshers Festival in September.

New Video Launched Explaining How Technology Enabled Care and Support (TECS) Can Help People Live More Independently
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) offers Technology Enabled Care and Support (TECS) as a care and support option, for people to live their lives as independently as possible, in their own home.
Helping Adults with Learning Disabilities with Relationships and Sexual Health
Staff from 17 organisations across Greater Glasgow and Clyde came together in November 2022 at an engagement event held by Sandyford Sexual Health Services. Sandyford is hosted by Glasgow City HSCP for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde.

Nativity Scene Brings Christmas Cheer to Residents at Meadowburn Care Home in Pollok.
A beautiful nativity scene, on display in the foyer of Meadowburn Care Home in Pollok, is bringing Christmas cheer to our HSCP’s care home residents.

Awkward Moments – New Campaign Improves Conversations about Sex and Consent
Five short films promoting conversations about sex and consent in young people have been viewed over 36,000 times on social media.