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NHS turns 70 this year


We will use this area to keep you updated with events held by Partnership staff to celebrate 70 years of the NHS.

North East Locality Anniversary Roadshow Tuesday 3 July 2018 at Town Head Medical Centre

North East NHS Anniversary Roadshow rolled on to the Town Head Medical Centre which is situated inside the Royal Infirmary and more than a hundred people joined in the celebration. Many of them were struck by the contrasting photographs on display recording the changes to the service over the past 70 years.

One of the most noticeable changes has been the increasing use of new technology although this can sometimes have unexpected consequences as one woman explained “ Susan was welcoming home one of her grandsons from Australia who embraced her so hard that he set off her personal alarm which is connected to the 24 hour call handling and monitoring service who were alerted. Happily on this occasion it was a false alarm".

Another talking point on the day was the interest shown in a new book 'Voices of the Belvidere'. Many of the nursing staff at the Royal had fond memories of working there and many of them took part in our competition to win a copy of the book. They had to answer the question "In which year was the NHS founded?"

North East NHS Anniversary Roadshow Friday 6 July 2018 at Baillieston Health Centre

110 people took part in the anniversary celebrations in Baillieston Health Centre. Many people were surprised at just how many services are now being provided outwith a hospital setting.

The roadshows next stop will be Shettleston Health Centre on Tuesday 10 July, from 10am till 12noon.  

Anniversary Roadshow Tuesday 10 July at Shettleston Health Centre

North East NHS Anniversary Road show rolled on to Shettleston Health Centre.  More than seventy people joined in the celebrations, many of them wanted to speak about the service they had received from the local health \ care staff:

"one man who had developed coronary heart problems had stents fitted 14 years ago and still feels great today and is able to lead a very active life"

"one woman had three lots of cancer treatment and felt she would not be alive today if it wasn’t for the skills and dedication of NHS staff"

Another woman was full praise for the treatment and support she has received when she was recently diagnosed with diabetes.

Next stop for the road show is Bridgeton Health Centre on Wednesday 11 July from 10am till 12pm.


Wednesday 11 July, Roadshow reaches Bridgeton Health Centre

North East NHS Anniversary Roadshow rolled on to Bridgeton Health Centre with over 70  people joining in the celebrations. The Bridgeton area has strong links to the early health and social care system which actually pre-dates the NHS. 

The Bridgeton Child Welfare Centre located at 106 Orr Street just a short distance from the current health centre was built in 1924 and formally opened by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin a year later. It was the first of its kind in the city and was followed by clinics dotted throughout the city, to care for children in the pre-NHS days. 

A. J. Cronin, author of the novel the Citadel, lived for a time in Sandyhills Road in Bridgeton.  The book, first published in 1937, was groundbreaking with its treatment of the contentious theme of medical ethics. The book has been credited with laying the foundation for the introduction of the NHS a decade later.  

Next stop for the road show is Easterhouse Health Centre on Thursday 12th of July from 2pm till 4pm .

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