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Will You Help Our Charity Support Mental Health Recovery?

Published: | Mental Health

The Charity for Gartnavel Royal Hospital is currently looking to recruit more volunteer Trustees and Fundraisers, to help find creative ways to develop its capacity to support the mental health recovery of the hospital’s patients. 

The Charity wants to raise funds to develop a programme of recovery-based events and activity. This will help to maintain connections with patients’ communities and contribute to the elimination of the stigma still associated with mental illness. 

The Charity is looking for people with:

  • experience of working in mental health recovery either in a clinical or community setting
  • experience using participatory arts to support mental health recovery
  • expertise and experience in the digital world, including the use of social media and the creation of websites and
  • creative fundraisers who are keen to try new ideas in a new setting to raise funds for an important cause or have experience of charity law and applications to funders.

Colin McCormack, Head of Adult Services (North West Locality), Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) said: “The Charity has supported the hospital’s activities for patients for over 70 years and now needs new supporters, with the expertise to help it expand, increase its public profile and remain relevant.”

Judy Inglis, the Charity Secretary said: “We aim to support mental health recovery by raising funds to make grants to support patient based activity, which helps improve the quality of the hospital environment. These activities can include anything from live ward garden concerts to participative arts workshops and reminiscence resources for dementia patients. On April 25 this year, our volunteers took part in The Kiltwalk, raising over £3,900 and an additional £750 from the associated Arnold Clark Community Fund.”

Judy continued: “New committee members, fundraisers and volunteers are welcome. We currently raise around £1,000 per year and know there is the potential for us to increase this by developing our current skill base and promotional activities. It would be wonderful to be able to welcome people who can bring their energy to our long-established Charity.”

Fiona Sinclair, Voluntary Services Manager at Gartnavel Royal Hospital added: “All funds raised from this year’s Kiltwalk will go towards activities that support mental health recovery, including enabling access to more music through ‘The Playlist for Life’ for patients with dementia. Funds will also support greater access to the outdoors through the ‘Growing Spaces’ patients’ garden project.” 

Fiona continued: “The positive impact of the Charity on mental health recovery is immeasurable and its influence reaches out to our local community and that of each patient. This is an opportunity for anyone keen to volunteer their time to help provide positive contributions to the mental health and wellbeing of all.” 
For more information, please get in touch with Fiona Sinclair, Gartnavel Royal’s Voluntary Services Manager. Phone 0141 211 3681 or email

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