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Review of the Glasgow City HSCP Strategic Plan - Update


Health and social care integration is about ensuring that people who use health and social care services get the right care and support whatever their needs, at the right time and in the most appropriate place.

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (the Partnership) delivers health and social care services in Glasgow City. The Integration Joint Board tell us how to deliver these services and they provide details on this in their Strategic Plan. The Plan is the key way the Partnership defines how it aims to achieve the outcomes our citizens desire. 

As a Partnership we are now reviewing the current Plan to understand whether the priorities we set out in 2019 are still relevant and to understand what the people we work with and on behalf of, would like to see in the next Plan. 

If the Partnership’s next Plan is going to properly reflect the views and priorities of people within the city we need to hear from them. So we are working with a range of organisations, networks and groups that represent and deliver services to people across the city, to give them a chance to be part of the conversation on the future of health and social care in Glasgow City. We hope to gather the views of a wide range of people, communities, organisations, groups and networks. The feedback we get will shape the next Plan and the work the Partnership takes forward during the life of the next Plan. 

To make this happen we are planning a whole range of engagement activity to try to enable as many people as possible to be part of the conversation if they want to, in ways that they are comfortable with. We have been asking partners and colleagues from across the city who we should be engaging with and how we should do it. We’re using the learning from during the pandemic to update what we know about engaging with different groups and individuals and to help us provide those opportunities for people to get involved. 

This will include large scale surveys (electronic and paper versions) and a range of face to face and virtual activities including:

  • focus groups
  • interviews
  • meetings and 
  • presentations. 

Whatever the method, the feedback will influence what the new Plan for health and social care looks like. We’re also encouraging our partners and groups across the city to carry out their own conversations with the people they work with and are providing support to and doing what we can to enable them to do that.

Our first major piece of engagement was a public survey which was open throughout the month of March 2022 to staff and the general public, and the feedback from that wide-ranging survey is currently being reviewed. Other more targeted and planned engagement is ongoing. Much of this engagement is being carried out by our partners with our support or on our behalf in a co-production approach that is designed to ensure people can engage in ways that they are familiar with and using established engagement approaches. 

A draft Strategic Plan will be prepared for the Integration Joint Board in June and subject to approval, that draft Plan will then go out to consultation in the second half of this year. There will then be further opportunities to be part of the conversation for the remainder of the year.  

For more information on what we’re doing and how to get involved, or to provide any comments on our Strategic Plan visit or contact us by email at

This is your opportunity. Be part of the conversation!

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