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HSCP staff encouraged to become mentors and change a young person’s life


Since 2017, Glasgow City Council has been partnering with MCR Pathways to bring a variety of new mentors to its local schools.  MCR Pathways has been making a difference to the young people of Glasgow for 15 years and currently supports 1,454 young people (S3-S6) within Glasgow City. They’re in the process of recruiting a further 295 mentors for the new academic year, and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) staff can help!

MCR Pathways is a charitable foundation working in Glasgow schools since 2007 and has been expanding nationally over the last 3 years. MCR supports young people in or on the edges of the care system and young people who have experienced disadvantage that impacts their ability to concentrate and engage in school. Mentoring is also encouraged for those living with extended family members, young carers or those living in families with addiction issues.
Volunteer mentors spend one hour a week during the school term listening to and encouraging their young person. The only qualification you need to be a mentor is the desire to help. Young people are matched with a mentor based on their personalities, interests and career aspirations.  All young people are different and have different needs, so it’s important that mentors come from all walks of life. Role models make a life-changing difference to young people. Additionally, mentoring has been shown to make a powerful and positive impact on those who give their time and support.

Gary Dover, our HSCP’s Assistant Chief Officer for Primary Care and Early Intervention, has been heading the push for HSCP staff to become MCR mentors, he said: 
“I think it would be great if everyone could take the time to consider becoming a mentor with MCR Pathways. It’s an incredible experience to be able to be part of a young person's journey and help shape their future. I highly recommend all staff to sign up and take part”.

As part of your mentor journey, you’ll be trained, supported and able to join a community of other dedicated mentors in the city. 

A range of online materials and information have been produced for potential new mentors, and these can be accessed on the MCR Pathways website

You can also sign up directly to become a mentor, where you will be guided through a virtual information session. 

Before applying to become an MCR Pathways mentor, please discuss this with your line manager. 

For any queries or further information, you can email MCR Pathways at or telephone 0141 221 0200. 

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