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LGBTQ+ health and wellbeing services poster launched


As part of June’s Pride Month celebrations, we launched our new LGBTQ+ Health and Wellbeing Services information poster.

The Health Needs Assessment of LGBT+ People, which was jointly led by our Glasgow City HSCP, NHSGGC, NHS Lothian and Public Health Scotland showed that on a range of measures LGBT+ people experience poorer health than the wider population.
This is especially the case in relation to mental health and is often a result of social isolation, inactivity and experience of discrimination or intolerance.

As part of our response to the findings, Sandyford commissioned three organisations, LGBT Youth Scotland, LGBT Health and Wellbeing and LEAP Sports to provide community-based mental wellbeing support, and a range of social and physical activity opportunities that would meet the needs of LGBT+ people.

These services are open to anyone aged 13 years and over who is LGBTQ+ or who is questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Working together, LGBT Health and Wellbeing, LGBT Youth Scotland and LEAP Sports are providing their services on a “no wrong door” basis meaning you can signpost people to any one of the services and they will be provided the appropriate support from the organisation(s) best able to support their needs.

The poster was circulated to all HSCP staff and it outlines the range of supports available in all three organisations.

If you know a service user who you think may benefit from these services, just contact any one of the organisations and they will advise on what’s available that may best meet their needs. 

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