The Promise is five years old
The Promise is five years old.
The Promise is a commitment made by Scotland to care experienced children and young people, ensuring they grow up loved, safe and respected. This promise was made following the Independent Care Review in 2020, aiming for significant changes to the care system by 2030.
At Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), we have been dedicated to fulfilling The Promise. Recently, our Promise Keepers met to reflect on Glasgow’s Plan 2021 to 2024 and our achievements so far. Some of the major things we’ve been working on include:
- working on the Language of Care, focusing on how information about children and young people is recorded, especially within residential Children’s Houses. This work is now expanding to other areas of Children’s Services.
- the Central Continuing Care and After Care team is reviewing our 16 plus accommodation and support services, involving all stakeholders, including young people. Their views will shape a new model of care.
- committing to listening and acting upon the views of our children and young people. This is evident in our use of advocacy services, and various communication models. Our practice is shifting to reflect the importance of working alongside children, young people and families.
- employing four Promise Participation Workers to ensure that the views of our children and young people are shaping our policy and practice.
- fewer children and young people are living away from their families in Glasgow thanks to more intensive support tailored to their needs. Our staff are more aware of the impact of intergenerational trauma and poverty, which is reflected in their support and relationship-building with children and families.
Following the event, a colleague shared their thoughts: “We’re [HSCP] rewriting our collective script, breaking down the social construct idea of what social work has been perceived to be, with an emerging new identity! It really is so exciting and a privilege to be part of such a creative positive movement.”
Alison Cowper, Head of Children’s Services (North West) said: “Since the launch of the Independent Care Review in 2020, Glasgow has demonstrated a real multi-agency partnership commitment to keeping the Promise for our city’s children, young people and their families. The progress that’s been made so far is a reflection of people working together, thinking differently and being passionate about making a difference. We’ll continue to build on this and look forward to what we can be achieved with Glasgow’s Promise Plan 2024 to 2030”.
You can find more information on what we’re doing on Glasgow’s Promise website.