Publications Archive
Hamish Allan Centre Closure
Item No 7 - Audit Scotland - Glasgow City IJB 2017-18 Annual Audit Report
EQIA - Tender for Glasgow Criminal Justice Framework
Item No.11 - Unscheduled Care
To consider initial commissioning intentions for 2017/18 for acute hospital services within scope.
Item No 13 - Intensive Outreach Family Support Service Tender
1) To advise the IJB on the progress to date to develop intensive outreach family support services and the proposed procurement route identified to deliver this intensive edge of care support to families in need.
Glasgow City IJB Papers 19-09-2018
Glasgow City IJB Papers 19-09-2018
Item No.12 - Families for Unaccompanied Refugee Children
The purpose of this report is to outline the proposed process for Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership to work with faith communities and Positive Action in Housing to identify families who can provide accommodation and support to young unaccompanied asylum seekers
Item No 19 - Council Family Review: CORDIA
To advise the Integration Joint Board of the implementation arrangements in relation to transfer of homecare and associated services to Glasgow City Council and managed through the HSCP from 29 September 2018 and an update on the due diligence review in relation to the transfer.