Publications Archive
Item No 08 - Medium Term Financial Outlook 2024-2027 – Amended
Updated to reflect changes to Item No 07 by the Chief Finance Officer.
Item No 12 - IJB Finance Audit and Scrutiny Committee (M) 07-02-2024 - DRAFT
Item No 11 - Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan Update
The purpose of this report is to update the Integration Joint Board (IJB) on the successes of the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP) and to outline the challenges faced during its delivery.
Item No 12 - SG Funding for Improved MH Services for Children and Young People 2024-25
To advise the Integration Joint Board of the plan for the fourth year of investment in community mental health supports for children and young people by the Scottish Government; and to request approval of the expenditure.
Item No 10 - Sign Language and Interpreting Service (SLIS) Review
To provide an update on the review of the Sign Language and Interpreting Service with proposals for the future delivery of the service.
Item No 13 - IJB-Public Engagement Committee (M) 21.02.2024 - DRAFT
Item No 14 - Glasgow City IJB Future Agenda Items
Item No 07 - Rolling Action List
Appointment of Chief Officer to Glasgow City IJB
The purpose of this report is to confirm the appointment of the Chief Officer to the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board (IJB).
Item No 16 - Older Peoples Day Care Services - Internal Strategic Review
To advise the IJB of the findings and recommendations of an internally conducted Strategic Review of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (GCHSCP) directly provided Older People’s Day Care Services, and seek approval for the test of change proposal, including subsequent public consul