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Item No 07 - Implementation of a Safer Drug Consumption Facility

September 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | 27 September 2023

The purpose of the report is to update the IJB on the proposed implementation of a Safer Drug Consumption Facility in Glasgow City, following communication from the Lord Advocate which provides reassurance that a statement of prosecution policy will be provided.

Annual Performance Report 2023

September 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

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Item No.21 - Annual Performance Report

June 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Performance | 21 June 2017

To present the first Annual Performance Report for the Health and Social Care Partnership for the year 2016/17.

Item No 3 - Draft Minutes from IJB held on 27/03/2019

April 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | 8 May 2019

Item No 5 - Integration Joint Board Rolling Action List 08.05.2019

April 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | 8 May 2019

Item No 8 - Integration Joint Board Property Strategy 2019-2022

April 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | 8 May 2019

This report outlines Glasgow City IJB’s Property Strategy 2019–2022 in support of the delivery of the IJB’s Strategic Plan.

Item No 9 - National Care Home Contract Settlement (2019/20)

April 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | 8 May 2019

The purpose of this report is to update the Integration Joint Board on a one year National Care Home Contract (NCHC) settlement for 2019/20 and the commitments within the contract in relation to the Scottish Living Wage.

Item No 12 - Review of IJB Financial Regulations

April 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | 8 May 2019

To update the Integration Joint Board on the outcome of a review of IJB Financial Regulations.

Item No 13 - Schemes of Delegation from the IJB to Committees and Officers

April 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | 8 May 2019

To present for approval revised Schemes of Delegation from the Integration Joint Board to Committees and to Officers to take account of changes to the Committee structures.

Item No 14 - Unscheduled Care Performance Update (08.05.2019)

April 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | 8 May 2019

To update on progress in taking forward the strategic commissioning plan for unscheduled care approved by the IJB in March 2017, and report on current performance.

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