Publications Archive
South Locality Plan 2017-18
Item No. 6 - Audit Scotland - Annual Audit Report
Item No. 7 - Audited Annual Accounts 2016-17
In line with the Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014, the Integration Joint Board must consider the audited annual accounts and approve them for signature no later than the 30 September immediately following the financial year end.
Item No. 17 - Budget Monitoring Month 4 / Period 5
This report outlines the financial position of the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board as at 31 July 2017 (Health) and 4 August 2017 (Council), and highlights any areas of budget pressure and actions to mitigate these pressures.
Item No. 8 - IJB Financial Allocations and Budgets 2017-18
To set the budget for the Integration Joint Board for 2017-2018 and to direct the Council and Health Board to spend the budget in line with the Strategic Plan.
Item No. 15 - Strategic Plan Mid-point Assessment
To present a mid-point assessment of the IJB’s Strategic Plan 2016-19, and look ahead to development of the next Strategic Plan spanning the period 2019-2022.
Item No. 16 - Glasgow Community Plan
To report on the development and content of the new Community Plan for Glasgow as required in legislation (Community Empowerment Act 2015).
Maximising Independence Newsletter - Issue 2 (October 2023)
MAPPA Annual Report 2022 - 23
The fourteenth annual report from Glasgow MAPPA (Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements).