Publications Archive
Item No 10 - IJB Property Strategy 2023-2026 - Update
To provide an update on the progress of the IJB Property Strategy 2023–2026.
Item No 10 - HSCP Performance Report Q4 2023-24
To present the Joint Performance Report for the Health and Social Care Partnership for Quarter 4 of 2023/24 for noting.
Item No 12 - Attendance Management
To provide the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee with an overview of the key Human Resources (HR) metrics relating to Attendance Management in Quarter 4 (January to March 2024) as well as performance, notable key issues and the implications for Glasgow City HSCP.
Item No 08 - Outturn Report 2023-24
To provide a high-level overview of the Integration Joint Board’s draft outturn position for 2023/24, and to seek approval for the transfer of funds to reserves to allow completion of the Integration Joint Board’s accounts by the statutory deadline of 30 September 2024.
Item No 07 - Chief Internal Auditors Annual Report 2023-24
To present to the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee the Chief Internal Auditor’s Annual Report for 2023/24.
Item No 11b - Justice Social Work Performance Presentation
Item No 11a - Homelessness Performance Presentation
Item No 16 - Risk Management Q4 Update
The purpose of this report is to provide an update to the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee on the status of the IJB’s risk register and to highlight key operational risks being managed in the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.
Item No 17 - IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee Annual Assessment
This report provides an update to IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee (FASC) regarding effectiveness of FASC and training needs assessments and training plans for Members.