Publications Archive
Item No. 17 - Attendance Management
To advise the IJB Finance and Audit Committee of Quarter 1 2017/18 absence levels across Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership and highlight priorities within Attendance Management Action Plans.
Item No. 18 - Risk Management Update Report
To provide an update to the IJB Finance and Audit Committee on the status of the Risk Registers currently being maintained within the Glasgow City Health & Social Care Partnership.
Item No. 19 - Final Update Audit Action Plans - Social Work in Scotland and NHS in Scotland
To provide a final update on the actions taken to meet the recommendations from the Audit Scotland reports Social Work in Scotland published in September 2016 and NHS in Scotland 2016 published in October 2016.
Item No. 6 - Audit Scotland - Annual Audit Report
Item No. 20 - Audit Scotland Self-directed Support 2017 Progress Report
To summarise the August 2017 report produced by Audit Scotland into the implementation of Self Directed Support in Scotland, and present a draft action plan in response to the report’s recommendations.
IJB-Finance & Audit Committee Minutes 14/06/2017
Item No. 3 - IJB-Finance and Audit Committee Minute - 06-09-17
Item No. 6 - Internal Audit - Update (February 2017 - September 2017)
To present to the Finance and Audit Committee details of the internal audit work undertaken at Glasgow City Council and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde that may have an impact upon the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board.
Item No. 7 - Climate Change Duties Report 2016-17
To seek approval of Glasgow City Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) draft Climate Change Duties Report 2016-17 to be submitted to the Scottish Government.
Item No. 8 - Health and Social Care Complaints Activity 2016-17 (Annual Reports)
To present statistical analysis and outcomes of complaints for both health and social care during the period 1st April 2016 - 31st March 2017.