Publications Archive
Item No 10 - Fostering Service
To inform the IJB Performance Scrutiny Committee about the fostering service provided by Families for Children.
Item No 8 - Draft Palliative and End of Life Care Plan
1. To summarise the key issues arising from the consultation exercise.
2. To present an amended plan that reflects the feedback received during consultation.
Item No 5 - Rolling Action List - 21-02-2018
Agenda - 21 February 2018
IJB Performance Scrutiny Committee Minute 12-012-17 (Approved)
Item No 3 - IJB Performance Scrutiny Committee Minutes 21.02.18 (Draft)
Item No 6 - Clinical and Professional Quarterly Assurance Statement
To provide the IJB Performance Scrutiny Committee with a quarterly clinical and professional assurance statement.
Item No 7 - Improving Access to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for Vulnerable Children and Young People
To demonstrate the improved access to CAMHS for those children across Greater Glasgow & Clyde and in particular, to demonstrate work identifying local need with a focus on areas of high deprivation to eradicate health inequalities at a community level.
Item No 8 - Proof of Concept Update and Further Progression
The purpose of this report is to provide an update on progress made since reporting on the outcome of the Proof of Concept, and to outline how it will continue to be taken forward.