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Item No.12 - Integrated Health and Social Care in North East Glasgow

February 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Health and Care Centres, Health, Social Care | 15 February 2017

This paper sets out an initial proposal for the development of a hub for the community in the east end of Glasgow. Our initial site appraisal identified Parkhead as our preferred option.

Item No.12 - Gorbals and Woodside Health and Care Centres

March 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Business Case | Health and Care Centres | 15 March 2017

To note the content of the final version Full Business Cases for the new Gorbals and Woodside Health and Care Centres, along with the associated project bundling paper.

Item No.9 - Integrated Health and Social Care Hub at Parkhead

August 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Executive Committee | Papers and Reports | Health and Care Centres | 29 August 2016

To provide the IJB-Executive Committee with a briefing on the commitment within the HSCP Strategic Plan to develop an integrated health and social care hub in Parkhead and to set this proposal within the wider context of our strategy to improve services for older people in the North East, and the

Item No.12 - New Woodside Health and Care Centre (Full Business Case)

March 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Business Case | Health and Care Centres

Supporting Document: New Woodside Health and Care Centre (Full Business Case)

Item No.12 - New Woodside Health and Care Centre (Full Business Case Appendices)

March 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Business Case | Health and Care Centres

This document has been prepared by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHS GGC) who seek approval for funding to provide a new Health and Care Centre to enable and facilitate fundamental change in the way in which health and social care services are delivered to the people of the Greater Gorbals area

Item No.12 - Gorbals Health and Care Centre (Full Business Case Appendices)

March 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Business Case | Health and Care Centres

New Woodside Health and Care Centre Telephone Numbers

June 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Health and Care Centres

List of numbers for GP Practices and services at the Woodside new Health and Care Centre.

New Woodside Health and Care Centre Leaflet June 2019

June 2019 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Health and Care Centres

Read more about the new Woodside Health and Care Centre which opens on 1 July 2019.

Item No.19 - Integrated Health and Social Care Hub at Parkhead

September 2016 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Health and Care Centres | 21 September 2016

To provide the Integration Joint Board with a briefing on the commitment within the Strategic Plan to develop an integrated health and social care hub in Parkhead and to set this proposal within the wider context of our strategy to improve services for older people in the North East, and the Heal

New Parkhead Hub

January 2025 | Leaflet | Health and Care Centres

Read about the new Parkhead Hub.

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