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Item No.7 - Financial Allocations and Budgets for 2017-2018

March 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Finance

To provide the IJB with a full update on the proposed financial allocations to, and implications for, the IJB Budget in 2017-18.

Item No. 11 - Provision of Forensic Medical Services to People who have been Sexually Assaulted and / or Raped

October 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

The purpose of this report is to: -

Advise on the current service provision for the delivery of forensic medical examinations for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted. Request approval to secure £305,000 from the HSCP contingency fund, augmented by £140,000 from the sexual health budget, for one year from March 2018 to run an interim service model for 2018 /19.

Item No. 8 - West Glasgow Minor Injuries Services Review

October 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To report on the outcome of the review of minor injuries services in West Glasgow.

Item No. 12 - Criminal Justice and Community Justice Overview

October 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To update the Integration Joint Board on:

Item No.8 - Homelessness Services – Transformational Change

March 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Homelessness

To update the Integration Joint Board on the transformational change programme relating to Homelessness Services.

Healthcare Financial Management Association annual conference 2017


Information relating to the address and presentation on 'Grasping the nettle for change - the place of integration' given by David Williams, Chief Officer, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.

David was addressing the Healthcare Financial Management Association annual conference who were meeting in Clydebank on Friday 27 October 2017.

Item No. 6 - Transformational Change Programme - Children's Services 2018-21

November 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To seek IJB approval for the HSCP’s children and young people’s transformational change programme for the 3 years 2018-21, including associated savings and efficiencies.

Item No. 7 - Older People's Transformational Change Programme 2018-21

November 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To seek IJB approval for the HSCP’s older people’s transformational change programme for the 3 years 2018-21, including associated savings and efficiencies.

Item No.9 - Older People Mental Health

March 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports | Older People, Mental Health

To provide detail on the next phase of older people’s mental health inpatient retraction in South Glasgow and associated community reinvestment that are integral to the HSCP financial plan for 2017/18.

Item No. 9 - Treatment Foster Care Service Review and Employment Tribunal Judgement

November 2017 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

To advise the IJB on the comprehensive review of Treatment Foster Care (TFC) undertaken by Glasgow Health and Social Care Partnership regarding the financial cost of the service and the impact on outcomes for young people.

Also to advise the IJB on the implications of the judgement by the Employment Tribunal relating to foster carers (the claimants) with the Treatment Foster Care Service.

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