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19 January 2016

| Shadow Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

25 May 2022

| Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee

1 December 2015

| Shadow Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

Public Protection Bulletin - 26 May 2022

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

Public Protection Bulletin dated 26 May 2022 in relation to COVID-19 and safeguarding adults and children.

Test Embed Page


Test YouTube Video Embed Code:

15 June 2022

| Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee

6 October 2015

| Shadow Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

11 August 2015

| Shadow Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

22 June 2015

| Shadow Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

COVID-19 Message from Robin Wallace


See below a personal video message from Robin Wallace, Head of Residential and Day Care Services for Older People, Glasgow City HSCP. 
Robin gives an update on how staff have been ensuring that service users within his service area remain supported during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and thanks them for all their incredible efforts.

Please press play for the video to start:

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