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Publications and Meetings


On this webpage you will find links to the key publications of the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. This includes:

current and past meeting papers of the Integration Joint Board and its committeesgovernance documents that set out the various arrangements, principles and standards of the Integration Joint Board and the Partnershipkey strategies and plansconsultations andother publications

The following links will direct you to either further webpages or actual documents.

Item No 19 - Community Link Worker Programme 2024-25 - Additional SG Funding

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

The purpose of this report is to update the IJB on the offer of additional Scottish Government funding for the Community Links Worker Programme from 2024/25; and to note the approval by the Chief Officer and Chief Officer Finance and Resources, under delegated authority, on the ground of urgency.

Annual Accounts and Annual Audit Report

Audited Annual Account 2022 to 2023

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership have published Audited Annual Accounts for 2022 to 2023 which the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board approved on 27 September 2023.

Governance Documents


On this webpage you will find links to the key governance documents that set out the various arrangements, principles and standards of the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.

This includes:

Primary Care Improvement Plan - Bulletins and Additional Information

Bulletin No 20 - July 2024Glasgow City HSCP Primary Care Action Plan (PCIP) 2023 to 2026Bulletin No 19 - April 2024

IJB Public Engagement Committee Papers


The next meeting of the IJB Public Engagement Committee will take place on Wednesday 13th November 2024 at 10am.

If you wish to watch the proceedings, please email and a link to access the MS Teams feed of the meeting will be sent to you. Please see Guidance for Participating in a Virtual Meeting.

The meeting papers are available approximately one week prior to the meeting.

IJB Public Engagement Committee Meeting dates for 2024-25

October 2023 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Schedule of Meetings

Annual Performance Report 2023 to 2024

July 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

Gaffney, Kelda

July 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Declarations of Interest

Cawley, Martin

July 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Declarations of Interest
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