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21 March 2016

| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

Glasgow City IJB Code of Conduct

March 2022 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Code of Conduct

Item No.6 - Youth Engagement Policy

March 2017 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports | Public Engagement, Young People

To inform IJB Public Engagement Committee on the report of the Youth Engagement Policy Commission.

Item No.7 - Locality Engagement Forums

March 2017 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports | Public Engagement

To provide report on progress with establishing the Local Engagement Forums.

LEF Online Engagement Sessions April Poster

March 2022 | Leaflet | Public Engagement

Poster for LEF events in April.

Item No.8 - Community Development Service Level Agreement

March 2017 | Integration Joint Board – Public Engagement Committee | Papers and Reports

To advise Committee of the ongoing review of the service level agreement between the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and Glasgow City Council’s Democratic Services, with regards to support for community development and engagement activity across the city.

13 April 2022

| Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee

Agenda - 13/04/2022

April 2022 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Agenda

Item No.5 - Directions

April 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

The purpose of this paper is to outline the requirements the Public Bodies (Joint Working)(Scotland) Act 2014 places on the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board to make directions to the Council and Health Board, and to propose a standard format for the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board’s directions to both delivery bodies.

Item No.6 - Finance & Audit Committee Workplan

April 2016 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

This report outlines various reports which the Finance and Audit Committee may wish to see included in its workplan, and indicates frequency and timescales for these reports to be considered.

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