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Spotlight on Glasgow Supported Employment Service

News Item
Published: December 01 2023

Our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Supported Employment Service has been supporting people with autism and/or learning disabilities into paid work for the past 14 years.

Message from Susanne Millar - Partnership Matters - November/December 2023


We’re now well into December with the festive season upon us, and it’s hard to believe that this is the last issue of Partnership Matters for the year!

Glasgow marks 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence

News Item
Published: December 01 2023

This year, our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) raised awareness and shined a light on 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence. 

16 Days is a global campaign that calls for the elimination of gender based violence against women and girls. The campaign was launched by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership in 1991 and takes place from 25 November to 10 December every year.

Glasgow City HSCP Buildings / Services Open to the Public During the Holiday Period

News Item
Published: December 01 2023
Social Work Services

Over the festive period all public social work offices will remain open between 08:45am to 4.45pm (Monday to Thursday) and 08.45am to 3.55pm (Friday) but will be closed on the following public holidays: 

IJB Finance Audit and Scrutiny Committee (M) 25-10-2023 (Approved)

December 2023 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Minutes – Approved

Public Protection Bulletin - 12 December 2023

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

Public Protection Bulletin dated 12 December 2023 in relation to safeguarding adults and children.

13 December 2023

| Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee

EQIA - Provision of Digital Telecare Service

December 2023 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Equality

Item No 09 - Adult Services Performance Presentation

December 2023 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports
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