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Item No 19 - Community Link Worker Programme 2024-25 - Additional SG Funding

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

The purpose of this report is to update the IJB on the offer of additional Scottish Government funding for the Community Links Worker Programme from 2024/25; and to note the approval by the Chief Officer and Chief Officer Finance and Resources, under delegated authority, on the ground of urgency.

Glasgow City Primary care Improvement Plan (PCIP) Bulletin - December 2023

Newsletter item
| Newsletter

The Primary Care Improvement Plan Bulletin is also available as an online interactive bulletin.

Staff urged to ‘Think Red Bag’ to improve patient care

News Item
Published: January 01 2024

All staff working in hospitals and care homes are being urged to ‘Think Red Bag’ when preparing for a care home resident to attend and return from hospital. 

The Red Bag works as a visual prompt to provide a central location for the transfer of information, appropriate medication, belongings and preferences of an individual. The bag is used if a resident is required to be transferred from their care home to hospital.

Strategic Partnership with the University of Strathclyde is set to drive innovation in health and social care

News Item
Published: January 01 2024

A new collaboration agreement between researchers at the University of Strathclyde and our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is set to drive innovation in health and social care.  

The Strategic Partnership Agreement formalises a long-time collaboration between the two. Teams of multi-disciplinary academics will join forces with our HSCP to develop solutions in response to real world and local challenges and inform best practice, as well as drive people-focussed innovation in the sector. 

Glasgow City IJB Minutes 29-11-2023 - APPROVED

January 2024 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Minutes – Approved

Public Protection Bulletin - 23 January 2024

Newsletter item
| Newsletter
Public Protection Bulletin dated 23 January 2024 in relation to safeguarding adults and children.

Item No 11 - Attendance Management

January 2024 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To provide the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee with an overview of the key HR metrics relating to Attendance Management in Quarter 3 (October to December 2023) as well as performance, notable key issues and the implications for Glasgow City HSCP.

24 January 2024

| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board

Item No 09 - HSCP Performance Report Q2-Q3 2023-24 - Hosted Services - Sexual Health

January 2024 | Integration Joint Board – Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee | Papers and Reports

To present a Performance Report for Sexual Health Services hosted by the Glasgow City Integration Joint Board for Quarter 2/3 of 2023/24 for noting.
The Finance Audit and Scrutiny Committee is also being asked to review and discuss performance of other hosted services with the Strategic Lead for Adult Services.

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