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Social Work Professional Support Service Launched

News Item
Published: July 01 2021

A free peer support service has been launched for social workers across Scotland, as practitioners across the country continue to feel pressures working during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

GCHSCP Demographic Report 2021

July 2021 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

GCHSCP Demographic Tables 2021

July 2021 | Glasgow City Integration Joint Board | Papers and Reports

PHHaB New Project Launched

News Item
Published: July 01 2021
In April this year, a pilot project called Barlinnie-based PHHaB Project (Pathfinder to Housing, Health and Benefits) was launched, and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) were proud to be one of the leading partners.

Glasgow City Food Plan Now Launched

News Item
Published: July 01 2021 | Health Improvement

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is delighted to be a key partner in the newly launched Glasgow City Food Plan (GCFP). The 10-year plan is collaborative, holistic and establishes meaningful work to make the food system in Glasgow more sustainable, equitable and healthy.

At the launch event on 15 June, over 300 delegates tuned in online to hear about the details of the plan, its relevance and connections to other work in Glasgow. Delegates also saw some snapshots of actions already being implemented.

Message from Susanne Millar - Partnership Matters Briefing - July 2021


June saw us celebrate Carers Week up and down the country, highlighting the importance of unpaid carers, with this year’s theme being ‘Making Caring Visible and Valued’.

Glasgow's Caring Community - Carers Strategy Implementation Update 2021

News Item
Published: July 01 2021

Last month, from 7 - 13 June 2021, we celebrated national Carers Week to highlight the importance of unpaid carers by ‘Making Caring Visible and Valued’. To mark Carers Week, Glasgow Local Carers Centres organised a calendar of events for all unpaid carers to attend, from cream teas to fancy hat garden parties. 

Glasgow Supported Carer Service Recruiting

News Item
Published: July 01 2021

Could you open your home and your heart to help us support Care Experienced Young People? Could you work with them to give them the skills to flourish and to look forward to a future living independently?

Young people who are leaving care can feel scared or anxious about living alone and need someone who can provide support, guidance and reassurance.  Our Glasgow Supported Carer Service are looking to recruit Supported Carers across the city who can help these young people learn the practical skills required for adult life.

COVID-19 Message from Gordon Bryan - July 2021


Please see below a personal video message from Gordon Bryan, Head of Care Services, Glasgow City HSCP, in which he gives an update on how staff within his teams have been continuing to support service users during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and thanks staff for all their incredible efforts. 

Please press play for the video to start:

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