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IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee Papers


The next meeting of the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee will take place on Wednesday 16th April 2025 at 9.30am. 

If you wish to watch the proceedings, please email and a link to access the MS Teams feed of the meeting will be sent to you. Please see Guidance for Participating in a Virtual Meeting.

The meeting papers are available approximately one week prior to the meeting.


Privacy Terms and Conditions

This website is run on behalf of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (who have their head office at Commonwealth House, 32 Albion Street, Glasgow, G1 1LH) and Glasgow City Integration Joint Board.  You can read more information on the background to:



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Cookies, however, enhance our website performance in a number of ways including providing a secure way for us to verify your identity during your visit to our website and personalising your experience on our site making it more convenient for you.

Staff Health and Wellbeing


Welcome to our health and wellbeing web page for all NHS and Council staff working within Glasgow City HSCP.  Staff health and wellbeing is important to us and we are committed to supporting staff to maintain and improve this. 

 There are links below that will hopefully make it easier for you to connect with national and local online resources.

Consultations and Engagement


Periodically the Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership and Glasgow City Integration Joint Board have formal consultation and engagement opportunities for people and organisations to share their views on specific proposals being developed for health and social care in Glasgow City.  This can include strategies, plans, service developments and service reviews among other areas.  It is in addition to the ways in which people and organisations are already involv

Parkhead Hub: News and Events

Parkhead Hub is open!

Construction of the Parkhead Hub was completed by the end of 2024, with the Hub opening from 27 January 2025..


Drone photography

We have some fantastic drone footage of the building site. You will have to press the Play button to get the video to start.

News & Events


Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is committed to communicating with the people who it works with and supports so that they are kept up to date on work that is happening across the Partnership. Our Communications Strategy outlines how we are doing this.

SDCF - Background information

Glasgow's Safer Drug Consumption Facility is called 'The Thistle'

There are over 100 Safer Drug Consumption Facilities (SDCF) worldwide including Europe, North America and Australia.

SDCFs offer a compassionate, person-centred service which focuses on reducing the harms associated with injecting drug use and helps people access appropriate services to meet their needs.

SDCF - News and updates

Glasgow's Safer Drug Consumption Facility is called 'The Thistle'

In this area you will find all the latest news and updates relating to our plans for a Safer Drug Consumption Facility (SDCF).

Find a Service

How to Get a Community Health or Social Care Service.
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