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Showing 121 - 130 of 2785 results
Item No 11 - Glasgow City IJB Membership Update
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Papers and Reports
To provide an update on a number of appointments to Glasgow City IJB and seek approval of the appointment of a Third Sector representative on the IJB. To seek approval of appointment of an NHS Non-Executive to Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee.
Item No 12 - Glasgow City IJB Membership - Carers Representative
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Papers and Reports
To provide an update to the IJB about recruitment of an IJB member to represent carers (citizens of Glasgow who have a caring role for a family member or loved one). To advise of recommendation and take direction on next steps.
Item No 13 - IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee - Presentation Summary 2022-23
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Papers and Reports
To provide a summary of the performance presentations and related discussions at the IJB Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee meetings during 2022/23.
Item No 15 - Glasgow City IJB Future Agenda Items
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Papers and Reports
Glasgow City IJB Minutes 22-03-2023 - APPROVED
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Minutes – Approved
Currie, Gillian
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Declarations of Interest
MacLeod, Norman
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Declarations of Interest
EQIA - Reduction in Older People Day Care Services to Monday to Friday Only
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Equality
EQIA - Self Directed Support Budget (Adults and Older People)
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Equality
EQIA - GCHSCP Reduction in Care at Home and Mainstream Home Care Services
May 2023
| Glasgow City Integration Joint Board
| Equality