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Glasgow City HSCP Review of Participation and Engagement

Participation and Engagement Strategy Feedback Log

A Feedback Log has been developed that captures the key suggestions and proposals made by participants during the consultation and engagement element of the HSCP’s review of participation and engagement. It includes feedback received via a web-based survey and at engagement events arranged in collaboration with Locality Engagement Forums (LEFs). The Feedback Log includes details of actions taken in relation to suggestions and how engagement informed the revised Participation and Engagement Strategy. 

The Feedback Log can be accessed at the following web link: 

Communications Survey and Engagement Findings

A report is available that presents the key findings from Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership HSCP’s communications survey and engagement with its three Locality Engagement Forums (LEFs) on HSCP communications.  Both were designed to inform the review and refresh of the HSCP’s Communications Strategy. Changes made to the updated Communications Strategy following on from the survey and engagement activity is detailed in its cover IJB report.

The report can be accessed at the following web link: 

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