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Showing 51 - 53 of 53 results
IJB Public Engagement Committee
Maryhill Health and Care Centre, 51 Gairbraid Ave, Glasgow G20 8FB
The media and public have a right to attend meetings to observe the proceedings, but may not participate in the meeting unless invited to do so by the Chairperson.
Integration Joint Board
Sir Peter Heatly Boardroom, Commonwealth House, 32 Albion Street, Glasgow, G1 1LH
The media and public have a right to attend meetings to observe the proceedings, but may not participate in the meeting unless invited to do so by the Chair.
Integration Joint Board
Sir Peter Heatly Boardroom, Commonwealth House, 32 Albion Street, Glasgow, G1 1LH
The media and public have a right to attend meetings to observe the proceedings, but may not participate in the meeting unless invited to do so by the Chair.