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Glasgow City Youth Health Service Launched Across Glasgow

Published: | Young People, Health Improvement

Glasgow City Youth Health Service offers confidential, personalised support to young people aged 12 to 19 years. The service is provided by Nurses, GPs, Counsellors and Multiple Risk Workers and was officially launched in September. The launch marked the expansion of the service to nine venues across the city, three in the North East, North West and South localities of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP). Funding for the service is provided by the HSCP.

Young people can receive advice and support with all aspects of health and wellbeing, including sexual health, alcohol and drugs, mental health and weight management. We know that non-clinical issues can also have a negative impact on a young person’s health, and so support is available for relationships, housing and employability and much more.

The Youth Health Service was established in Maryhill in 2002 and the model was based on engagement with young people who said they wanted a service that was open at times that suited them, with friendly staff they could trust to listen without judgement. These principles continue to inform the service today, with young people at the centre.

Julie Gordon, Youth Health Service Manager said: “I’m absolutely delighted to be able to announce the launch of Glasgow City Youth Health Service, with nine venues now open. We’ve come a long way since we opened the first service in Maryhill, but our core values remain very much the same: listening without judgement, building trust and treating everyone fairly and with respect.”

Simon Carr, Chair of the Glasgow City Integrated Joint Board (IJB) said: “The Youth Health Service model is closely aligned with the HSCP's strategic priorities, with a particular focus on early intervention and prevention. These nine services will provide person-centred support for young people in Glasgow City. We are really pleased that the service has managed to complete the expansion programme over the past 18 months, despite the challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic and I join with the team in celebrating this achievement."

One of our young service users talked about their experience saying: “The GP was so friendly, someone to talk to every week and I could talk to her without feeling embarrassed or judged at any point. It’s amazing that more services are opening as more young people will get the help they need.”

More information can be found on the Youth Health Service website or follow on Facebook: @glasgowcityyhs
Referrals can be made by phoning 0141 451 2727. 

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