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Short Breaks Resumed for Adults with Learning Disabilities

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Published: September 01 2021
Everyone needs a bit of ‘me time’, and a break away from everyday life can help with that.  Since 2015, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) has been organising short breaks for adults with learning disabilities.

Looking After Our Mental Health 

News Item
Published: October 01 2021 | Mental Health

Looking after our mental health is important every day of the year, but World Mental Health Day provides us with the opportunity to pause and reflect on the mental health of ourselves and those around us. The day falls on 10 October every year and intends to raise awareness and encourage people to support efforts that promote positive mental health.

Summer in the Garden at Gartnavel Royal Hospital

News Item
Published: October 01 2021 | Mental Health, Volunteering

Now that Autumn is here and winter approaches, the Growing Spaces in the garden at Gartnavel Royal Hospital have started to take on new colours and shapes. Seed heads and falling leaves carpet the walkways and yet the Sunflowers still offer a striking reminder of the summer now gone.

Glasgow City Youth Health Service Launched Across Glasgow

News Item
Published: October 01 2021 | Young People, Health Improvement

Glasgow City Youth Health Service offers confidential, personalised support to young people aged 12 to 19 years. The service is provided by Nurses, GPs, Counsellors and Multiple Risk Workers and was officially launched in September. The launch marked the expansion of the service to nine venues across the city, three in the North East, North West and South localities of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP). Funding for the service is provided by the HSCP.

New Homes to Transform Lives of Long Term Hospital Residents 

News Item
Published: October 01 2021 | Disability

People with learning disabilities who have spent years in hospital are set to enjoy new lives in the community thanks to Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).

Two vacant bungalows in Kirkintilloch will be bought by the HSCP and refurbished to a high standard - enabling eight people to move out of hospitals and enjoy greater independence in the community.

The plan will offer enhanced community living for adults with learning disabilities who will have their own en-suite bedrooms as well as communal kitchens, living, dining and garden spaces.

Thanks to Staff Testing Team at Barr Street Clinic

News Item
Published: October 01 2021

In July Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) established a Staff Testing Team in response to the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on our care homes and the need to put in place weekly COVID-19 testing arrangements for staff.  

This service is now in the process of transferring to the Regional Testing Hub that is a centralised model across Scotland allowing our team to be disbanded.  It is important to acknowledge the work the staff have undertaken during this challenging period and thank them for their hard work and commitment.

Deaf Mental Health Peer Support Worker Service Launched

News Item
Published: October 01 2021
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) has recently joined in delivering a new ‘test of change’ service to support people from the Deaf community whose first language is British Sign Language (BSL) with their mental health recovery.

Glasgow Supported Employment Service Launches Improving Modern Apprenticeship Programme

News Item
Published: October 01 2021

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Glasgow Supported Employment Service has been supporting people with autism and / or learning disabilities into paid work for the past 12 years.

First Domestic Abuse Strategy Launched in Glasgow

News Item
Published: April 01 2023 | Domestic Abuse

Our Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP) Domestic Abuse Strategy 2023 – 2028 was recently approved at the Integration Joint Board’s (IJB) meeting on 22 March 2023. 

The Strategy is the first of its kind in Glasgow City, and it describes what we'll do over the next five years to ensure people affected by domestic abuse receive the best possible care, and how we'll continue to seek the involvement of people with lived experience in the design and evaluation of domestic abuse services. 

New Resource to Raise Awareness of Online Harms

News Item
Published: April 01 2023 | Mental Health

To mark Stress Awareness Month this April, a new resource has been added to the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (NHGGGC) Mental Health Improvement Team Healthy Minds Collection: Online Harms and Mental Health.

It is the latest of 18 Healthy Minds resources looking to raise awareness of a variety of topics that impact people’s mental health and wellbeing, including grief, body image, sleep, and more.  

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