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New Multiple Risk Curricular Resource for schools
A new resource for education staff looking at risk taking behaviours in pupils is now available for Glasgow schools.
Glasgow bids to run drug-checking service at Hunter Street
An application to run a drug-checking pilot in Glasgow has been submitted to the UK Government Home Office.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde welcomes reduction in drug related deaths
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) welcomed the reduction in drug related death figures across Scotland as Drugs Minister Elena Whitham visited the Enhanced Drug Treatment Service, managed for NHSGGC by Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).
Elevate-Glasgow Celebrates Seven Years of Achievement with Graduation Ceremony
Over 100 awards were given to participants in a graduation ceremony at the end of February for qualifications, training and personal development programmes completed by individuals in recovery from drug or alcohol misuse.

Prisoner Training Programme Helping to Tackle Drug Issues in Scotland
A training programme helping prisoners to tackle drug issues has won several awards.

Glasgow City Youth Health Service Launched Across Glasgow
Glasgow City Youth Health Service offers confidential, personalised support to young people aged 12 to 19 years. The service is provided by Nurses, GPs, Counsellors and Multiple Risk Workers and was officially launched in September.

Youth Health Service Expands Across Glasgow
Glasgow City HSCP’s Youth Health Service (YHS) aimed at young people aged 12 – 19 years is expanding across the city from February 2020.

New Glasgow Alcohol and Drugs Advocacy Service
We all need an advocate at some times in our lives. It helps to have someone around to make a difficult phone call, someone who can help write a letter or someone to go with you to a difficult meeting.

Film Clip shows the Benefit of One Good Adult

LGBT Charter Bronze Award for Youth Health Service