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Showing 111 - 120 of 126 results

Vounteers' Week Celebrations

Published: | Volunteering

Volunteers’ Week is an annual celebration of the fantastic contribution that millions of volunteers make across the UK. To mark this event and thank their volunteers North West Locality staff organised an award ceremony and lunch for volunteers followed by a visit to the Tall Ship, Riverside.

Restart Creative Writing Group at Glasgow 2018 Aye Write Festival

Published: | Mental Health

Playwright and director John Binnie has been

Raising Awareness of Bowel Cancer

Published: | Health Improvement

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. Bowel cancer is Scotland’s third most common cancer but it is treatable and curable especially if diagnosed early. Nearly everyone diagnosed at the earliest stage will survive bowel cancer but this drops significantly as the disease develops. 

Getting Ready for Spring - Sun Awareness Training

Published: | Health Improvement

North East Health Improvement Staff are making sure local children are ready for sunny spring weather by providing sun awareness training for nursery staff in the north east of Glasgow. 

Partnership Signs Up to the Glasgow Volunteering Charter

Published: | Volunteering

There is good evidence that volunteering brings benefits to both the person volunteering and the people and organisations they support.  Volunteering means choosing to spend time unpaid doing something to help other people or groups, other than (or as well as) close relatives.

South Locality Let's Talk About Mental Health Event

Published: | Public Engagement , Mental Health

In the third of a series of South Glasgow locality engagement events staff, service users, carers, community representatives and others came together on 8th February to discuss developments in local mental health services.

Health and Social Care Information Just A Click Away

Published: | Health Improvement , Public Engagement

Members of the Partnership's North East Locality Forum took part in a demonstration of the Your Support Your Way Glasgow Website on Thursday 15 February.

Young People Vote for Local Projects

Published: | Health Improvement , Young People

On 18 January 2018 the 'Big Grant Giveaway' was hosted at the Tramway Theatre. 12 projects from across South Glasgow presented their youth-led ideas to an audience of 200 local young people with the hope of securing up to £3000, to see their ideas become a reality.

Talking About Mental Health Services

Published: | Mental Health , Public Engagement
On Tuesday 30 January 2018 in Partick Burgh Hall, over 120 representatives from the North West Locality Engagement Forum, the wider community, 3rd Sector Projects and interested individuals participated in an engagement session, focusing on the newly published Draft Five Year Mental Health Strategy.

North East Locality Staff Support Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

Published: | Health Improvement

North East Locality Staff supported the Jo's Trust #SmearForSmear Campaign during Cervical Cancer Awareness Week which ran from Monday 22- Sunday 28 January.

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